
Gigantic: Rampage Edition

Gearbox Publishing is reviving the MOBA hero shooter "Gigantic" in a Rampage Edition. The revival would not have been possible without the loyal community, and therefore the players' greatest wish is to be fulfilled.

Marcel Kleffmann02.04.2024 07:32
Gigantic: Rampage Edition
Gearbox Publishing revives MOBA hero shooter "Gigantic". Gearbox Publishing

The MOBA hero shooter "Gigantic", originally developed by Motiga, is making a surprising comeback - after all, the title, which was announced in 2014 and launched as a free-to-play game in 2017, was buried in July 2018. Given that the game still has a passionate community "that has kept the spirit of the game alive all these years", according to Yoon Im, president of Gearbox Publishing San Francisco, the revival was not so far-fetched. The game was previously published by Perfect World Entertain...
