B2B event for brands

Brandmate Will Take Place in a New Location in Essen in 2025

Next year, Brandmate will take place for the fourth time, but no longer in Frankfurt. The brand festival is moving from Frankfurt to the Grand Hall of the Kokerei at the disused Zeche Zollverein in Essen.

Stephan Steininger24.09.2024 13:27
Christian Ulrich (Geschäftsführer der BRANDmate GmbH und Sprecher des Vorstands der Spielwarenmesse eG) und Eva Stemmer (Veranstalterin der BRANDmate und Geschäftsführerin der BRANDmate GmbH)
Eva Stemmer, Managing Director of Brandmate, and Christian Ulrich, also Managing Director of Brandmate and Spokesman of the Board of Spielwarenmesse eG BRANDmate GmbH / Foto: Christof Kreutzer

New location, new event – the organisers have now revealed the first details of Brandmate 2025. The B2B event for brands and licensing products will take place on 25 and 26 June 2025 and will be the fourth time it has been held. Nevertheless, it is a premiere because the event is not taking place in Frankfurt for the first time. The brand festival is moving to Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia, or more precisely to the Grand Hall of the Kokerei (coking plant) of the disused Zeche Zollverein.
