Lost Legions

Tarock Interactive Working on "Credible Historic Basis" for Roman Germanic Survival Game

Following the reveal of their MBB-funded survival game Lost Legions yesterday, Berlin studio Tarock Interactive alias Felix Dreyfus and Jens Kortboyer are working with the Archeology department of Humboldt University on the Roman Germanic setting of their debut title.

Pascal Wagner25.04.2024 14:19
Tarock Interactive, Felix Dreyfus and Jens Kortboyer
Felix Dreyfus (left) and Jens Kortboyer, Tarock Interactive. Tarock Interactive

Yesterday, Berlin based development team Tarock Interactive announced their game Lost Legions with a batch of screenshots exclusive to an IGN preview. The survival crafting game for one to four players is set in a Roman Germanic setting on the territory of today’s Germany. After the defeat at Teutoburger Forest, players take the role of Roman legionairies trying to reclaim the territory and glory of their forbearers.
