Special Baden-Württemberg

The BW Business Environment: Old Hands, Young Teams and Two Gaminghubs

The games industry in Baden-Württemberg is diverse, with a variety of companies spread across different locations. Despite this, there are still central hubs that stand out in the region.

Stephan Steininger14.08.2024 13:07
Gameforge Cyprus
The Gameforge team - one of many successful companies in Baden-Württemberg. Gameforge

According to Games BW, the games industry in Baden-Württemberg (BW) has 153 companies with almost 1,800 employees. The data is based on information from Goldmedia‘s location monitor and the gamesmap of the game — The German Games Industry Association. Baden-Württemberg therefore may not be one of the Top 3 in the German games industry, at least not in terms of the sheer number of companies, but it is definitely one of the most im­portant federal states in the German games market. It is interesting to note that Baden-Württemberg as a games location is difficult to compare with other federal states. This may also be due to the fact that “The Länd” has always gone its own way.
