
Stiftung Digitale Spielkultur Bids Farewell to Çiğdem Uzunoğlu

After more than six years, Çiğdem Uzunoğlu was bid farewell as Managing Director of the Digital Games Culture Foundation (Digital Games Culture Foundation) in a ceremony attended by around 70 guests from the foundation's network.

Stephan Steininger17.05.2024 14:23
Feierliche Verabschiedung von Çiğdem Uzunoğlu,
Geschäftsführerin der Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur
Cigdem Uzunoglu (center) with Benjamin Hillmann and Dr. Tabea Widmann Charles Yunck/Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur

Among those present were representatives from politics, foundations, civil society and the games industry. Speakers included Felix Falk, Managing Director of game - Association of the German Games Industry, Olaf Zimmermann, Managing Director of the German Cultural Council and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Stiftung Digitale Spielkultur, Prof. Clemens Hochreiter from Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and Dr Tabea Widmann from the Foundation's team, who thanked Çiğdem Uzunoğlu for her commitment.
