People Hires Mario Gerhold and Jan-Eric Lauble to Its Premium Games Division has hired both Mario Gerhold and Jan-Eric Lauble to build up its Premium Games Division. Gerhold will become Global Brand & Marketing Director, Lauble Creative Director.

Marcel Kleffmann24.05.2024 13:30 Hires Mario Gerhold and Jan-Eric Lauble to Its Premium Games Division
Mario Gerhold, Global Brand & Marketing Director; Jan-Eric Lauble, Creative Director; Eugenio Vitale, Director Premium Games Division Thomas Wieland, headquartered in Amsterdam, has announced that Mario Gerhold and Jan-Eric Lauble have joined the company's Premium Games division, which is responsible for the development and publication of "high-quality" PC and console titles. Gerhold will take on the role of Global Brand & Marketing Director, while Lauble will serve as Creative Director.
