Local and federal funding

Digital Minister Mehring Praises Bavarian "Creative Champions" and Appeals to the Federal Government

At the presentation of the funding certificates for the 13 games projects funded in Bavaria, Digital Minister Dr Fabian Mehring praised the Bavarian "creative champions" and appealed to the Federal Government regarding the current funding situation.

Marcel Kleffmann25.04.2024 14:39
Digital Minister Mehring Praises Bavarian "Creative Champions" and Appeals to the Federal Government
Dr Fabian Mehring surrounded by the recipients of the grants. StMD

In March 2024, 13 new games projects received a total of 1,682,904 Euros in funding from the FFF Bayern. Digital Minister Mehring presented the funding certificates together with the FFF Bayern at the LfA Förderbank Bayern in Munich. At the event, the Minister emphasised the diversity of the industry. Mehring: "The architects of the digital worlds of the future come from all parts of Bavaria. This once again underlines the regional diversity and the enormous potential of our local games industry. Bavaria's developers are an important economic factor for the state and are at the forefront of shaping social change and digital transformation. They are creative drivers of innovation and therefore true pixel pioneers who are driving the digital revolution with their successful work."
